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Deposit safe supplier UAE

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Fichet Bauche , a French company with 200 years of experiencein manufacturing security products and one of the world’s largest producers ofBank Safes, Industrial safes, Automatic Safe Lockers ,Strong rooms, Vaultdoors, Rotary cash deposit, Hotel guest safe deposit lockers, Fire resistant datacabinets ,Fire resistant and explosion proof safes. Fichet bauche isinternationally recognized for its High security and technical expertise andhas been used in all the major international banks in the world to protecttheir critical assets.


Burglary safes

Deposit Safes

Fire Safes


Modular Safes

Safe Deposit Lockers

Storage Cabinets

Vaults and Vault Doors



Fichet-Bauche uses independant test institutesthat are among the most experienced bodies to ensure that the testing andcertification processes are carried out correctly by a trusted and credibleorganisation:

- ECB•S (European Certification Boards•Security, Fire& Life Safety)

- SP (Technical Research Instituteof Sweden)

- SBSC (Swedish Fire and SafetyCertification)

- VdS (The Authority for Safetyand Security)

- CNPP (Centre national de prévention et de protection)

- UL (Underwriters Laboratories)

- Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

- Saint Etienne's National TestFacility



·        Fichet bauche specializes in Fire and burglaryresistant file drawers,data cabinets ,file cabinets and file cupboards

·        Fichet Bauche lockers are extensively used inthe world’s biggest banks for its exceptional security features and level ofprotection.

·        Fichet Bauche vault doors are used in most ofthe museums and banks for its superior security with multi key access systemswhere multiple keys are required to facilitate access .The doors are fireresistant and ballistic resistant.

·        The new Fichet bauche InviKtus safe is launched,provides triple certification against burglary, fire and explosion.State-of-the-art protection technology all in one product.

·        The automatic safety locker system is theepitome of locker security as the locker boxes are handled automatically byrobots and no human interference is possible



The key used for the safes are handmade and patented withunique features like Key lock with floating levers, self-adjusting key in keylock, key with sliding ball,10 million key possibilities. The key locks areextremely silent making it hard for burglars to unlock manually and has 63million different combinations making Fichet Bauche safes and lockers almostburglar proof.


Strong Room supplier UAE

Vault door supplier UAE

Safe supplier UAE

Locker supplier UAE

Automatic safety locker system supplier UAE

Fire Resistant Safety Vault in UAE

Explosion proof Safe supplier UAE

Fire resistant File cabinet supplier UAE

Fire resistant and Explosion proof Safe

Fire resistant Data cabinet supplier UAE

  • Product Details
  • Brand :
  • Place of Origin : FRANCE
  • FOB Price : On Request
  • Minimum Order Quantity : Not Given
  • Supply Ability :
  • Packaging & Delivery
  • Packaging Detail : Not Given
  • Delivery Detail : Not Given
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